“In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.” – Francis Bacon
A few days ago I was sitting on my balcony enjoying the warmth of my newly purchased heat lamp in the crisp, cool, air. As I was swaying back and forth in my swing, I looked down and noticed someone knocking over trash cans in the park below. He then proceeded to walk down the street and grab an orange construction cone that was on the side of the road. He dragged the cone into the middle of the street and went back to get another cone. This went on until he had blocked the entire street with construction cones. And, then he simply walked away. A bus turned the corner towards the cones and within seconds, a good samaritan pulled every single cone out of the street to unblock it and allow traffic to pass.
As quickly as someone created a problem, someone else remedied it. And, while this year has been more difficult than most, I’ve seen a lot of good things. In fact, just last weekend a car wreck happened underneath my balcony. Within seconds, passersby helped the passenger exit the vehicle and to the side of the road. One person comforted her. Another person handed her a towel for her bloody nose. Another person called the police. All within seconds.
So, if you’re feeling alone or have been watching the news and it looks like we’re going to “hell in a handbasket” (pardon my southern reference – it comes out sometimes), I’m here to remind you that while it is true that darkness exists, it’s also true that light exists. And, I’ve seen it shine so very brightly, even this year with all of the things we’re going through. You may have to look for it, but it is there. In fact, you are a light. And, the fact that you exist in this moment in time is another beautiful thing about this year.