“The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader.”
– Derek Silvers
A few nights ago, 8 PM came and I didn’t hear anyone howling. Since we’ve done this every night for the past several weeks, it was strange to not hear my neighbors. So, I took a quick look around, paused for a moment, and then howled out loud. And, you know what? Someone else howled. And then someone else. And, then a bunch of others joined in. This experience made me think about the first person who started singing or playing music or banging on pots or howling during this time. If it was just one person howling, it could have sounded like a “lone nut,” but because neighbors joined in a movement occurred.
When I first began sitting at a table and reading something encouraging all those years ago at Chipotle headquarters, I could have looked like a “lone nut.” But, because others joined in, the idea for The Way Back was created. From that, many others from tech companies to universities to neighbors are connecting with each other in a deep, meaningful way. A movement has occurred.
In the TED Talk titled How to Start a Movement, Derek Silvers captures a movement happening, from start to finish, in less than 3 minutes. Select the image to watch the video.
What you do influences others. Whether you begin or join howling, begin or join a dance, or begin or join your own The Way Back tribe, you influence others.
What movement have you been a part of? Share by leaving a comment (reading this via email? Click “Read in browser” below).