A few weeks ago, I was scheduled to be a guest speaker on Holly Krivo’s podcast, Chill & Grace (a lifestyle podcast for high-performers disrupting the norm by chilling in their truth and gracefully inspiring others to do the same). I dialed into the recording session and almost everything that could go wrong did. From a strange buzzing noise to having calls come through even though I had put my phone on Do Not Disturb to calls dropping, it was a rough start! So, I told Holly that the energy for that day wasn’t right and asked if we could please reschedule. Graciously, she said we could and we chose a later date.
A few years ago, I would not have taken the time to notice the situation, acknowledge it, and change it as necessary. I would have pushed forward so I could check it off my to-do list. But, now I know that this wouldn’t have served me or the listeners well. How about you? When you notice that things just aren’t quite right, do you push forward or take a step back? Have you ever pushed forward and been unhappy with the results? I know I have! Thankfully, I’m now much more aware of the situation and energy in the moment. Whether it’s a meeting, date with a friend, or in this case, a podcast, if I sense something is “off” and can shift it to another moment, I will.
Doing the podcast on a different day made all the difference! In this episode, Holly and I talk about how the safe path isn’t always safe and the bigger question of “Is safe even an option”? We talk about how following your musts over your shoulds is a key to living your truest life and that if it feels scary you are doing it right. And we talk about how believing in yourself is a life-long focus and one that requires daily focus for incremental growth.
Click here to listen on iTunes.