Every Thursday for almost one year, I’ve hosted The Way Back with neighbors. Before that, when I attended building-wide events, I found myself in surface-level conversations that sounded like “When did you move in?” or “It’s getting hot out there today!” Each time I left an event, I felt like I didn’t really know most people any better than when I came. But, it can be difficult to get below the surface unless there’s something to help cultivate it.
Fast forward to when I began hosting The Way Back in my building, and even just a few weeks in, my neighbors and I started cultivating an authentic connection and seeing each other for who we truly are. By the time the pandemic hit, we had evolved from just neighbors to almost a sort of family who we felt comfortable sharing our dreams, fears, and thoughts with. So, when we realized that we would no longer be able to sit in our common space together, in-person, every Thursday morning at 8:15 AM, it was quite a shock to our routine. Heading to our common space, grabbing a coffee, finding a comfy chair, and intentionally having a thoughtful, meaningful discussion about the day’s spark had become a solid touchstone for us.
The first virtual meeting was a little rocky. Some folks were angry that their entire world had been flipped upside down. Now instead of a rich, engaging conversation that brought them so much connection and joy, they saw the potential that this would become “just another Zoom meeting” that they had to attend. And nothing about that seemed meaningful. But, after a few weeks, we noticed something beautiful unfolding: our touchstone remained.
Instead of diminishing, our connection through The Way Back got even stronger. We haven’t missed a week this entire year and we’ve grown, added new members, and continued to learn more about each other. Have you found that a virtual connection can be as strong as an in-person connection? If so, what do you do to cultivate connection while practicing physical distancing? If not, maybe it’s time to start your own The Way Back gathering with colleagues, neighbors, friends, or family. If you’re interested in doing so, reach out at Info@TheWayBackMovement.com. I would be happy to chat with you.
Want to take a peek at our virtual The Way Back gathering? Play the video below.