“We all were hidden amidst the fear, and all the while,
people dusted off their instincts, they remembered how to smile,
they started clapping to say thank you and calling up their mums,
and while the car keys gathered dust they would look forward to their runs,
and with the skies less full of voyagers, the earth began to breathe.”
– Tom Foolery (Facebook: Probably Tomfoolery)
Over the past few weeks, I’ve had many conversations with people that have started with, “This time has made me realize…” What they’ve realized is different for each person. For some, it’s that they had been so busy and accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle that they had forgotten to just be mindful and come from a place of stillness. They were saying “yes” to everything and because of that, there was no room to just “be.” For others, it’s that they had lost their job or had a reduction in work and began to realize that they had forgotten their dreams and decided to make a shift in their life. Still others, like myself, came to the realization that they had put limitations on themselves for no reason other than simply fear. And, that now is the time to break free from that.
If you have 4 minutes today to invest in some inspiration, I highly suggest watching Tom Foolery’s video on The Great Realisation (if the video doesn’t appear below, click here).
What great realizations have come out of this time for you? Share by leaving a comment (reading this via email? Click “Read in browser” below).