“Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go.” – Mooji
Over the past few weeks, I’ve really missed having visitors. Having people over, taking turns choosing music videos to watch, discussing the vastness of life, and sitting in quietness together on my patio are among some of my very favorite things to do. So, when a couple visitors stopped by, I was very excited to see them! But, they were a little messy. Select the image to watch the video.
The situation reminded me of how feelings are also visitors. And, sometimes they’re a little messy, too. Maybe you wake up feeling sad, with no idea why. Or, a situation arises and you feel angry about it, but can’t quite put your finger on what about it made you feel angry. Are you feeling fearful for the health of your family members? Enraged by systemic racism? Sad for struggling small businesses who, on top of COVID, have had damage to their property? Lonely? Love to all beings? Hopeful that change and good will come out of all of this? I like to be curious about those things. I often write how I feel in a journal. For example, I might write, “I feel sad today. Why?” and allow my hand to write whatever happens to come out.
Whether you go so far as writing out how you feel, simply noticing your feelings/emotions and sitting with them can help them leave less of a mess. How are you feeling today? Share by leaving a comment (reading this via email? Click “Read in browser” below).