When I worked with The Marcus Buckingham company, my entire team worked remotely. In fact, most employees worked remotely since the philosophy was to hire the best person for the job no matter where they lived. And they certainly did! Every person I met was incredibly good at their job. A few weeks into working together, my team decided it was time to meet face to face. So, we planned a trip and rented a house in Beverly Hills near the corporate office.
Upon arriving at the house we rented, I was incredibly excited! It was beautiful with large white pillars in the front, an expansive backyard with shady trees and a large inviting pool, and beautiful finishings inside. We were all so excited to meet face to face and have an incredibly productive time together. If only it had gone that way…
Select the video to hear how it went.
As far as productivity and all of the goals we had dreamed of, that trip sucked. But here’s what we unexpectedly received from it: a bonding experience that I still laugh about to this day, a sense of who my boss was when it really mattered, and one incredible story about the first time I met my colleagues in that role. So, while things didn’t go perfectly (actually, as far from it as possible), the imperfectness made some space for other interesting things that I now cherish.
Is there a situation you have experienced or are currently experiencing that you may find more happiness in allowing it to be what it is, rather than what you want it to be? Share by leaving a comment (reading this via email? Click “Read in browser” below).
*This is a repost from a previous The Way Back blog entry.