“What you think about, you bring about.” – Bob Proctor
My typical workday consists of me working among lots of people in coffee shops or common spaces in my apartment building. In fact, I’ve always told myself and others, “I can’t work in my apartment. In order to be creative, I must surround myself with lots of people, energy, and noise.” When I found myself confined to my apartment with no people, energy, or noise, guess what? I couldn’t be creative. Day after day, I was unable to write anything. After a few days, I thought, “This is ridiculous!” So, I rearranged some things, grabbed a cup of coffee, and started writing! The only thing that had stopped me was my own thinking.
During our first virtual The Way Back gathering one of the members, Diego, mentioned how our thoughts (especially in this moment) will not only shape our own experiences but that they also spread to others just like a virus. Have you ever hung up the phone after a conversation with a friend and felt energized without knowing why? Or, maybe you felt drained and tired, but had felt fine before? I know I have. During this time, more than ever, it’s important to remember that what we think about, we bring about.
Take a moment to reflect on where your thoughts are focused and notice the words you are using. If your thoughts are anxious or fearful, take some time to elevate your emotional well-being. Read an uplifting book, meditate, think about the first thing you’ll do when this situation is over, remind yourself of things you’re grateful for, or do whatever helps shift your mind into reflecting on the positive. Then, use your words to speak life into the things you want (“I’m so grateful I’m healthy.”) instead of what you don’t want (“I hope I don’t get sick.”).
Share what you do to elevate your emotional well-being by leaving a comment (reading this via email? Click “Read in browser” below).
John Mountain
Love it–Thanks for bringing this forward Patti! It is like course-correctness of the attitude, which aligns both mind and spirit!